Codependency: Sacrificing your own needs to meet the needs of other. A one sided relationship that is abusive or emotionally destructive.
As a parent, spouse, friend, or loved one we are expected to compromise, share, and sacrifice to make the lives better of those we care about. Sometimes that means working harder, giving a hand to someone who is struggling, or even some helpful advice. Other times it means going out of our way to make sure they are safe. In many ways, it is our way of saying I Love You.
And the more we love someone, the more we are suppose to show we care, right?
After all, NO ONE wants to be labeled as SELFISH or SELF-CENTERED
But what happens when you are the only one giving? When you give enough for both people, and you have nothing left for yourself or the things you use to love. When you are exhausted, always worrying, and fearful that something bad might happen? Sometimes the line between love and codependency can be blurred, making it difficult to navigate.
Below is a list of traits that might indicate codependency:
· Perfectionism OR a fear of failure · Difficulty meeting personal needs
· Main focus on the needs of others · Discomfort with receiving attention or help from others
· Feelings of guilt or responsibility others · Reluctance to share true thoughts/ feelings
· Fear of displeasing others · Low self-esteem
· Shame and helplessness · Feeling undeserving of happiness
· Caring for and enabling someone who abuses drugs or alcohol
If you find that a couple things on this list might ring true, don't worry you are not alone. It is hard to find where the line between love and codependency is, especially without help. As someone who has personally recovered from co-dependency I get the struggle, the exhaustion, and the hopelessness. I promise you, there is a better way.
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